Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bad Blogger!!

I guess maybe I have to get into the groove of blogging. I'm also so tired all the time and would much rather lay on the couch and veg then get on the computer and think of something to say. But since my son has decided not to take a nap today and is currently upstairs protesting. He's been up there for almost an hour and a half "playing" in his crib. While it's great that he will just kinda chill in his tented crib (he started climbing out around Christmas) it also doesn't let me fully relax until he is asleep. So I believe my afternoon cat nap will not be happening.

I've also been having this horrible pain in my lower abdomin and so much pressure!! I don't remember this from the first pregnancy. Although I did work out until I was 8 months pregnant the first time I feel like I'm doing so much more this time around. I guess the difference is the fact that I worked for 8+ hours a day and got to just basically sit at a desk (with my feet up) and then just work out for about an hour or so. But this time around I'm chasing around a toddler, whom I might add, likes it if I climb up the jungle gym with him and go down the slide!! So who knows if I'm actually getting more of a work out this time around. All I know is the pain is worse. And that includes the pain in my hips!!!

At the end of the day I'm so done!! In fact right now I'm so done!!

But on the other hand I'm very very scared about the every 2 hour feedings that are coming my way very soon. Very scared!!! I have been so blessed with an awesome sleeper and know that it's not likely to happen twice. But if it's not one thing it's another. R was not that great of a sleeper in the begining of life and it didn't get better until around 9 months. Right about the time that I stopped working. So maybe because I'm not working this time around it won't take as long this time around.

Is it too late to change my mind?

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